Glute mistakes that sabotage your growth

Glute mistakes that sabotage your growth

Welcome Reader to Well Healthful ❤️

In today’s issue:

  • Glute mistakes that sabotage your growth
  • Weekly snack: Cinnamon Roasted Nuts
  • Weekly creator: Reahgeorgia
  • 4 Best link of the week

Let's dive right in!

Glute mistakes that sabotage your growth.

Trying everything, dieting, working out 2 hours every day, HIIT.

Literally everything!

But nothing seems to work... *uuugh*

I hear this a lot.

Don't worry, you will grow those glutes faster than you think.

1/ Not activating the glutes

I totally get it, you want to go all-in when working out.

"I'm going to max in my first reps."

You couldn’t make a bigger mistake.

Because you didn’t active your glutes girl.

Make sure to do some light & high repetition glute exercises to activate your glutes.

If they are activated, they you can go all-in.

And oh my, you will feel and see the difference. 😉

2/ Not using full range of motion

Going all the way up, but not all the way down. ❌

Or the other way around.

That's a common mistake, and it's quite a sneaky one.

Because you want to finish your set, and become sloppy.

Make sure to go all the way up, and all the way down. ↕️

This way your glutes get the full treatment they need and deserve.

3/ Relying too heavily on leg press

You got it, girl!

Leg pressing almost every day.

Nope, you shouldn’t...


It's very limited to your range of motion.

Instead try:

  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Split squats

4/ Not using enough weight

Your not in the mood for training.

I totally feel you.

However you shouldn’t go light on those weights.

If you don't use the heavy weights from time to time you won't see that growth.

The muscles need tension and challenge to grow.

Don't make it too easy for them. 😉

5/ Not varying your exercises

The same old workout routine over and over again.

Not only boring but also very ineffective.

If you keep on doing the same old workout.

Your muscles can become accustomed to the stimulus and stop growing. 😳

You don't want that, do you?

Ask friends or workout buddies about their workout routine, and try theirs.

6/ Not training the glutes enough

This might sound quite obvious.

But training your glutes 1 time a week isn’t enough girl.

If you really want to grow your glutes you should workout your glutes minimal 2 times a week.

Not training your glutes enough will also lead to the fact you can't increase the weights and results from your workouts.

Want to discover all 12 mistakes?

🥙 Healthy Snack of the week

Cinnamon Roasted Nuts


  • 2 cups raw mixed nuts
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted
  • 2 tablespoons honey or maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Pinch of salt


1/ Preheat your oven to 325°F (165°C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat.

2/ In a large mixing bowl, combine the melted coconut oil, honey (or maple syrup), ground cinnamon, vanilla extract, and a pinch of salt. Mix well until the ingredients are thoroughly combined.

3/ Add the mixed nuts to the bowl with the cinnamon mixture. Toss the nuts in the mixture until they are evenly coated.

4/ Spread the coated nuts in a single layer on the prepared baking sheet. Make sure they are spread out and not overcrowded to ensure even roasting.

5/ Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven and roast the nuts for about 15-20 minutes. Stir the nuts every 5-7 minutes to ensure they roast evenly and don't burn.

6/ Keep a close eye on the nuts during the last few minutes of roasting, as they can go from perfectly roasted to burnt quickly.

7/ Once the nuts are golden brown and fragrant, remove the baking sheet from the oven and let the nuts cool completely on the sheet. They will continue to crisp up as they cool.

✨ Creation of the week

21 Tasty & Healthy Snack Recipes

$27 → $7

🤳 Creator of the week


WOW, WOW, WOW. Reah Georgia, this creator is next-level. Her discipline and work ethic really gives her the advantage. Not only in the gym but also on Instagram.

Her top-notch content is unheard of. Do you need some inspiration, or workout ideas? You can't go wrong with a quick peek on her page. 🔥

✨ Best links

1/ 21 Healthy snack recipes you can make within seconds 🤤

2/ The correct form (Dumbell hip thrust) 😉

3/ A great snack for the day 👀

4/ Glute stretches you can't ignore before & after a workout

Coming up... (next week) 👀

  • How to grow your glutes with delicious food 🤤🍑

Make sure you don’t miss this one. (23 August, 4pm CET)

Have a burning question that needs an answer?

Share it 👉 here 👈, and you might get the answers in the upcoming edition.

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